Photos courtesy of Ryan Prouty

Monday, January 5, 2009

Not me! Monday

Okay, after a week off, I am sure everyone is ready for another Not me! Monday. Click over to Mckmama's blog to catch up with several hundred other ladies' less-than-put-together-moments and see the rules...and consider joining in yourself! Its freeing to confess and be vulnerable...being brutally honest and living to tell about it!

I was NOT totally relieved to see there was no Not me! last week. Preparing for company, entertaining one guest, helping out at 4 kids' Christmas parties, wrapping gifts, buying gifts, organizing Christmas cards/letters/Agape newsletters were all perfectly under control and I had plenty of time to write a post for last week. I did NOT completely forget about it...again!

We did NOT go to Busch Gardens on Tuesday. Good thing too, since everyone and their dog did NOT decide to go that day too. We did NOT have to endure LONG lines, and I was not completely frustrated that I only rode TWO rides all day long. We did NOT have our time at the park cut short by arriving later than planned after I forgot to bring the tickets with us. My sister did NOT nonchalantly ask (30 minutes down the road) if I brought the tickets. I did NOT drive through the median to turn around. I did not go through several scenarios in my mind that would prevent us from having to drive all the way back home (like: make my husband go to the house and fax them to us somewhere, send them in an attachment, upload and print them somewhere...oh, no computer with us...just go home and get them!). I did not think any bitter thoughts about the people who paid extra for the "fast pass" that allowed them to skip the line and go to the front...therefore making the poor peons wait even longer...not one bitter thought...not even now.

We did NOT decide to go back to Busch Gardens on Friday and be there when the gates opened. This was NOT the best idea ever! We were NOT one of the first people into the park, we did NOT get to ride whatever we wanted, sometimes multiple times in a row! My kids were NOT nearly perfectly behaved (very important since I was outnumbered 4 to 1), and so fun to hang out with all day! Alayna was NOT so brave, riding a roller coaster that went upside down...hey, she is only 4 years old!! I did NOT find it impossible to not scream on the Cheetah Chase when it seemed I was going to fly off the side of the roller coaster every corner it took (which was about 40 corners). My children did not give me a hard time about my incessant screaming! Alayna was NOT upset about being too short to ride this ride (it did look pretty innocent from the ground), she did NOT pout and cry and blame me for having her last, asking why I couldn't have had her before Holden! I did NOT laugh out loud while she was so serious...that would have been rude! Not me!

We did NOT invite an entire house full of guests over for lunch yesterday after the pastor's sermon about being connected in our church and being initiators. The pastor and his family were not part of our swaree too. Pastor Matt did NOT crack us up with his watermelon teeth. He did NOT so kindly pose for this picture even though I warned him this was blog material: Later, we did NOT break out the new Risk game we gave our kids for Christmas (we did not re-gift this gift to them after Paul got it at our staff Christmas party's white elephant exchange)...and Dave did not ANNIHILATE everyone. We are NOT planning our revenge...

I am NOT excited about all the things I will be able to get done around here with my kids back in school!! I do NOT still need to take down all the Christmas decorations inside and outside, do some prep work for the Children's ministry I am helping with at church, finish making more copies of my project (detailed below), finish cleaning up from yesterday's festivities, and plan and make dinner. Who gets excited about crossing things off their to-do list?? Not me, how nerdy!

And finally, I am NOT hoping to get a low number at Mckmama's blog just so I can get people to check out my cleaning system "Spring Clean Year 'Round". I do NOT have a copyright and a prototype made up and several copies sold just from my blog! I am NOT hoping to get a publisher to buy my idea so I won't have to do all this work. Though, I admit, its fun work (truly)! I do NOT hope you will click this link to check it out! I do NOT think you will love the idea and agree you need one at your house! Besides being so practical, its so CUTE, or is that NOT cute??Okay, now, what have you NOT been up to??


Anonymous said...

I am NOT upset that I didn't get to be there for the inaugural Risk game...and I definitely DON'T wish I was still in the land of warm weather. I love you!

Elyse said...

I am not in love with the COLD TX weather right now nor do I love the fact that college does NOT start for another week!
Happy Monday!

2Corinth1:4mom said...

You have NOT been very busy huh?

Anonymous said...

If you could give more detailed information on some, I think it is even more perfect, and I need to obtain more information!
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Lisa said...

I have just gotten caught up on all of your NOT having fun!! Ok..Busch Gardens looks like a blast!!!! And yes, my Christmas decorations are all still up. I have balanced the check book, paid bills, done laundry, straightend house...anything besides put up them! Quite pathetic. Now, I think the Wii is calling me!