Photos courtesy of Ryan Prouty

Saturday, September 1, 2012

So. Far. Behind! Happy Birthday Holden!

Time marches on and is no respecter of my intentions! I am embarrassed that it has taken me so long to get this posted! Holden turned 11 recently and had a low key party with a couple friends at the pool and wanted an Olympic ring birthday cake to acknowledge the start of this year's games on the same day as his birthday. He has decided he wants to be an Olympic athlete and is now trying to decide what event he will compete in. I already burst his bubble by telling him that many athletes have trained since preschool, but so far he is not put off. Got to love his optimism!

Holden is our very special youngest boy who is very smart (nearly straight A's every year), and to whom most things come easily. He rode a bike without training wheels before he turned 4! Having two big brothers has always motivated him! He thinks the point of most activities is to have fun, including the van ride to school (about three miles from our house). He loves to play any game and is a fierce competitor. He loves chess and I quit playing with him years ago because he could beat me so quickly and decisively! Too bad that isn't an Olympic sport! I think if ping pong is then chess should be too...but I digress! He is currently playing basketball and football. After faithfully attending conditioning all summer long, he has earned a starting spot on the offensive line of his football team (he is proud to play the same position as Michael Ohr--The Blind Side movie). We were fairly surprised because its only his second season and he is the youngest boy on his team. He is playing with some kids who have played for 7 years and are 13 years old! He tries very hard and is fairly...ahem...bulky and strong, so those are all  in his favor! Its pretty amazing what they go through at practices and games in the heat and with the sun beating down on them! They have all earned my respect as I sit in the shade and drip with sweat!

I think I posted on FB about his latest statistics, but here they are again for posterity: Height: 5'0" (81%ile)
Weight: 112 (93%ile). What he wants to be when he grows up? Still trying to decide between Air Force Pilot and Dermatologist. He was just baptized recently and is in 5th grade. He loves video games (of course!), legos, swimming, playing any board game or card game and eats almost anything I put in front of him.

My favorite memory of something cute Holden said was the topic of conversation today at lunch and I thought many of you might enjoy it too. I was VERY pregnant with Alayna and he was almost three years old. We were chatting with Darryl and Kathy Lindley at church one Sunday and I was standing directly across from Darryl with Holden in between us just about belly button height at the time. He was looking at my belly, then Darryl's belly back and forth and I could see the wheels turning, but I wasn't fast enough to stop what came out of his mouth. He gently laid his hand on Darryl's belly and asked, "That yours baby?" I was mortified for a split second before Darryl threw his head back and laughed out loud.

You are such a special blessing to our family! I know God has lots of plans for your life. We are so glad God chose us to be your parents and are looking forward to watching you grow into the man He wants you to be!
All our love,
Mom and Dad

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