Football is winding down, just 2 games to go. We had a home game and pictures last week. We had an unexpected cancellation for this weekend's game, and the Chiefs also have a bye, so its going to be a quiet, nearly football-less weekend. Aaaaah, maybe something at my house will get clean!
Ah, the signs of fall--crisp air, pumpkins in the fiels and FOOTBALL!!! I was glad that the post was NOT about an injury. As much as my sons would love to play I am happy they have stuck with traditional football a.k.a soccer. Less stress for the mommy;)
Great FB photo and team pic too. Riley, you look like a true gridder, would love to see you play. Our week has been crazy and still being so. Three funerals this week with one being a memorial tomorrow. Ia. Homecoming and the little city is packed. Playing Penn State tomorrow in a night game. Temps to be very cool for the game, real FB weather. As for routine housecleaning, I don't know what that is anymore. I just try to keep up with the kitchen as my busy chef is always cooking something. Love to all six.
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